800 - FIREHAWK (347 - 3429)
858 - 558 - 9033
Building Sprinkler Systems

Building Sprinkler Systems

Automatic fire sprinklers save lives, protect assets and lower costs. Missed inspections or preventative maintenance could cost tens of thousands of dollars in repairs; citations or fines from the Fire Marshal’s office; or worse it could cost people’s lives. All sprinkler systems need to be inspected, tested and maintained to ensure it will function in the event of a fire.

  • Quarterly and Annual Automatic Fire Sprinkler Inspections
  • 5 Year Automatic Building Fire Systems Certification
  • Automatic Fire Sprinkler Diagnose, Repair & Upgrades
  • Any Commercial, Multi-unit Residential, Retail and Industrial Complexes
  • Wet pipe Automatic Building Sprinkler Systems
  • Dry pipe Automatic Building Sprinkler Systems